Boost is the secret of MY Energy!

To do justice to the caption "Boost is the secret of my energy!", you have to embed the video of very first kapil paaji's clip. That was back in 1986 that boost came up with little TV gem and it remains etched in hearts of billions forever.

This commercial was so successful that in 1989 boost had their task cut out. All they had to do was rope in the teenage sensation Sachin, capture him saying along with Kapil saying: "Boost is the secret of my energy, OUR Energy"!!

Simple, finito, done!

I searched high and dry for this clip, but came out with naught. So, please my dear readers, help me out. If you can find that clip, please send that to my way. You will make atleast a million fans happy for ringing them back into their teenage days. Danke, Thank you, Dhanyawad, Shukriya, Nandri...

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This website lists all the classic commercials aired on Indian television - "palmolive da jawaab nahin", "boost is the secret of my energy" and many such. I welcome feedback, requests and words of encouragement in form of comments from my visitors. It just doesnt seem right when there are about 200 visits a day, but only handful of comments :)

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